Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Translation by SINA of Milivoje Ivanišević's Srebrenica ID

Identification Card of SREBRENICA

2007-03-29 10:48:15

Translation by SINA. Source can be found HERE


Recent judgment by International court of Justice, appointed Republic Srbska army as possible genocide over Muslim people in Srebrenica. Though Serbia was released from indictment of conspiracy in, at least local, genocide, that did or didn"t happened in Srebrenica, between all kind of politic proponent about guilty that has been allotted to Serbia, rules preconception that Serbian parliament must underlie to the idea of Declaration of Congress, that is equal to public apologue why Serbia in time of rule by Slobodan Milosevic didn"t stop the crime in Srebrenica, and why it didn"t then or after, made an afford to please all needs of International crime tribunal for former Yugoslavia in Hague, with arresting and delivering every accused men that Tribunal claimed from Serbia.
Publicist and researcher of war crimes in former Bosnia & Herzegovina, magister Milivoje Ivanisevic, in experiment „Researching for the truth”, proves that there are at least two sides ( as he calls them „Identification cards” or shorten ID"s) of city Srebrenica, bounded to the events in May of 1995. First ID of Srebrenica is, as it was signed by Bosnian lieder in Srebrenica - genocide happened. That opinion points out that judgment of International court of Justice did not compatibly punished guilty side.
Other side is signed by magister Milorad Dodik and government of RS, who claimed that in Srebrenica, did happened war crime, but not genocide. Those two ID"s shows up that Srebrenica lawsuit isn"t and could not be easily finished.
Research experiment magister Ivanisevic pleads in favor of War „Identification Card” of Srebrenica, which windrow genocide.
Without getting involved in discussion or comments about Srebrenica sides, we will show our readers this interesting experiment by Milivoje Ivanisevic, as a tribute to possible discussion about Serbian Congress Declaration.
Privately Mr. Ivanisevic believes that Serbian Congress will not and cannot vote for Declaration that could describe RS as possible creator of genocide. He appoints his believes whit very interesting proves.

Since Serbs came back to Srebrenica, the same way they were dislodged, on July 11, 1995. with guns, started to circle around stories about large number of killed Muslims, and above all - innocent Muslim civilians, old man, woman and children. Those numbers, in time, continuously multiplied and finally reached those measurements that today – not only in Hague Tribunal, Muslim religious and civil domain, which is logically expected – but also in authorities from other countries, often talked about genocide.
Also, including many of Sarajevo and Belgrade"s non-government organizations who always keep these theses in focus of public interest. Dead Muslim soldiers of Srebrenica now are finally became, as it is said in Serbian „nor guilty nor debited”, by standers in situations of different combinations by those who never didn"t know them and who, today all the time, and without any emotional base, are adopting and „Defending” them. Enforced „cult” of Srebrenica simes to still be watching over our ounces and becoming a metaphor for almost unbelievable, and at the top of all, even genocide crime of Serbians, over innocent citizens of that Bosnian ravine and in impenetrable town.
According to sequestered documents from B&H military, that we will probably mention few times, it was literally written „ By the end of January and at beginning od February in 1993. in zone of responsibility 8. Operation Group (OG) it has been created great connected free territory with center in Srebrenica which comprehended 95 percent area of Srebrenica county, 90 percent of area of Bratunac county, 60 percent area of Vlasenica county nad 50 percent area for Zvornik county. Also, it has been maintained direct physical connection with OS region called Zepa .../1
At that time, according to the same source, in mentioned counties Muslims took over 850 square kilometers of the territory. That uncontested military success enterprise produced almost complete destruction of Serbian places and extermination of Serbian public that lived there.
Only in counties of Srebrenica and Bratunac, if you count from 93 places where Serbs lived, 82 of them were destroyed (except villages Crvica, Lijesca, Petrica and Seklani in Srebrenica county). And in county of Bratunac, beside city it self, there were also saved villages Dubravica, Jelah, Krasanovic, Pobrdje, Polom, Rekovac, Repovac and Slapashnica. /2. To that, number should be added and about 20 destroyed Serbian villages and area around them in county Vlasenica and Zvornik. / 3 From 9.390 Serbs that lived in that same area - in Srebrenica, at homes, after this Muslim attack, there were only 860 or 9 percent left, and in Bratunac from 11.500 Serbians left only 5.391 or 47 percent total, and finally mostly thanks to Serbian people placed in county center, left 3.201 people.
Muslims successes mostly contribute illegal, and beforehand, organization of paramilitary-armed formations that were supplied with guns from spare military force and territorial defense (TO) storage. Beside that, many of them, approximately 10.000 soldiers from B&H were guided and trained in Education center of Republic Croatia. Illegally in to Croatia and from this neighbor about thousand men left. Letter to Executive department of political party SDA is a direction to send candidates to the mentioned training. It was said that everyone have to had „initiation of party” and etc. That means that this was formatted party - a military formation. / 4 So, on February 1992. from storage of TO fabric that produced accumulator, Muslims took out and pulled in villages one tree piped anti-aircraft gun, with caliber 22 mm.
One part of infantry armament was bought with money from recourses of National Loan, that has been made in B&H so it would increase number of available working places. Speaking the truth, this was done in secret and only in firms where executives were Muslims.
Since withdrew of Yugoslavian army (JNA) from B&H on May, 19th 1992. until formatting Drina"s army corps of Republic Srbska on 1st November same year, Serbian defense was left out to the villagers who were not able to effectively defend against incomparably stronger Muslim formation. Created Muslim superior, at that time, comparing to Serbian armed formations, was attended at all time during this war. Therefore, the same way that Muslims took guns from police and TO storage, Serbs also got, sometimes using force, a significant part of armory, vehicles, minifies, sanitary and engineering equipment, other technical material and radio-station from JNA formations.
Muslims foray on Serbian villages has been some kind of their „all nation movement”. Following military forces, something like second and third echelon, to villages rushed in soldiers" cousins, neighbors and friends, so called civilians, women, children and old men with all kind of crafts, rushed in Serbian homes all took all that could be carried out. According to statistics of Cattle Fond in particular villages and testimony of refugees, in these conquests Muslims robbed around 7.200 beeves, 16.200 sheep and 38.000 fowl. It was unknown how much of wheal and corn was taken, but it was with certainty established that there was enough for winter and, also, for next seeding.
Beside, it was easily seen on spring of 1993. only by looking at the seeded fields/5. Hunger could only jeopardize robbed Serbian villages and refugees.
Captured Serbs got worst of those actions. They were mostly old and sick, spiritually and physically handicapped, sometimes immovable and wounded people, but their destiny, almost without exception, always was the same. They were beaten down by Muslim „civilians” with all kind of tools that they carried out to use in robbing houses akses, bars and clubs… Some victims had been burned together what houses in which they got overtake.
Despite that, and beside great tribulation of Serbs, at that time Srebrenica was already under a strong pressure of propaganda, because that way it was easy to hide Muslim crimes.


After creation and consolidation of commands and units of Drina"s corps, during first months of 1993. year Serbian counteroffensive started and overturned the war situation that caused one after another Moslem"s defeats.

It was, in fact, extorted Serbian action, aiming to liberate lost villages and make it possible for refugees to comeback. Despite the little number of soldiers at the dispose of corps and almost all brigades, the success was due to educated command personnel, who secured official use of available armament and excellent planning actions. /6 In April 1993. the dangers threatened to crash and, possible, finally exterminate Moslem"s military formation. It was the direct reason why, in the form of „the protection of civilian population”, Srebrenica was placed under the supervision of the UN.
Moslems and their defenders were very hit by the defeat and deportation, experienced on the largest part of area they conquered during the previous years. When Serbs came back to their villagers it could be seen better the scope of their destruction and sufferings. During a period of April 1992. to April 1993. had been killed more than thousands of local Serb residents.

More than two third of them died from side arms, or were burned and massacred. The Yugoslav government about that informed The General Assembly and The Security Council of the UN, by special Memorandum delivered by the ambassador Dragomir Djokic. However, Memorandum related only to municipalities (Bratunac and Srebrenica and to Srebrenica"s village Skelani with vicinity) and to cited number of more than thousand killed and 2.800-3.200 wounded persons. On that occasion were missing sufferings for Serbs in the margin regions of Vlasinac and Zvornik municipalities, on which territories acted the same Moslem"s units as in the little town Srebrenica itself.

During the mass grave diggings on Glodjane hill and other localities in Zvornik`s county it had come to dramatic discoveries. /8 Moslems there killed, extremely cruelly, in Islamic „holly warriors” way, ritually, as it"s known in Dzihad"s way, mainly with side arms, around 250 civilians and prisoners from the surrounded Serbian villages, and mostly from Serbian hamlets Kamenica. /9 for that accomplishment their commander Hasan Oric, both with his nine prominent fellow soldiers was decorated, by the decree of president Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegovic, with „Golden lily”, the highest medal of the B&H army.

The final list of Serbian victims in Srebrenica"s district, which is called Birac, and it was the zone of responsibility of 8. tactical group B&H Army with the headquarters in Srebrenica and under command of Naser Oric, had been established later („A book of the dead Serbs”, The center for investigation of crimes over the Serbian people, 2006), and was published on tenth anniversary of the liberation of Srebrenica, that actually happened twice. First in special supplement of Belgrade"s newspaper „Vecernje novosti” (trans. „The evening news”) on June 13th 2005. afterwards in a later edition, aimed only for B&H, printed in the whole sum of 400.000 copies.

At the same time, in an edition of „The Center for investigation of crimes over the Serbian people” it was printed a special booklet with the identical names of the victims and it was delivered to more than thousand addresses, mostly various foreign missions and international organizations in B&H and Serbia.

The cited list contains 3.262 Serbian victims" names. According to today"s evidences about 27 percentage or about 880 killed were the members of military and police formations. The rest or 73 percentage, more exactly 2.382 victims were civilians. No name was denied during a year and a half. The list is indisputable in addition to everything else because those deceased persons were frequently berried late, along with appropriate religious ritual and their names are in the evidences of priests who berried them. The pictures of the most Serbian victims in Srebrenica"s locality, precicly in Birca, were exposed in memory-rooms of those municipal centers that are on the territory of Republic Srpska. The monuments or memory panels were built in some economic organizations with the names of local Serbian victims.


When of Moslem"s conquests and crimes in Srebrenica"s vicinity and that part of Srednje (trans. Middle) Podrinje, at the beginning of spring 1993. come the end, there were a panic and fear among their civilians and even more among their fighters. They were frightened mostly that it could be returned in kind. At that time appeared the „mighty protector”, and saved them from the final defeat. It also set them free from the committed crimes and soon afterwards, in the face of world public opinion, transforms them in innocent, hungry martyrs, shelter less and bread eager. It was launched with a false report, precisely with advertising pamphlet of British doctor Simon Mardela, from the World health organization, that published how daily in Srebrenica dies around 20-30 percentage of people. /10 It would mean that hundreds a month, but Moslems had not so many soldiers and civilians all together from the beginning of the war until those April"s days 1993. year.

Even Naser Oric in his book cites that during those two and a half years they had only 1.912 dead. /11 General Fillip Morion, commander of the UNPROFOR finely had to remove mentioned doctor from Srebrenica because of the false reports, which he launched over the amateur radio stations. The Serbian side, aware of the deceit and efforts to be secured the Moslem army, but not the population, agreed to stop its armed actions. The Security Council adopted on April 16th 1993. the resolution 819, and proclaimed Srebrenica to the „protected zone”. At the same day the president of Republic Srpska Radovan Karadzic stated the order ”to cease all actions of the Republic Srpska`s army on Srebrenica and around Srebrenica, except those in self defense”./12 Unfortunately, such an order had never came from the President of B&H or the General staff of the B&H Army. (It could be interpreted as a first signal that Moslems wouldn"t respect the resolution and agree with disarmament). A Canadian formation of UNPROFOR entered the town on next day. The strength of one company was 143 soldiers.


Two days after adoption of Resolution 819 SC (April 18th 1993) general Ratko Mladic, from the Serbian side, and Sefer Halilovic, from Moslems side, after hard and long negotiations, which lasted without interruptions almost 14 hours, agreed that Moslems after all shouldn"t deliver their arms to the units of ARS, what was the original request of general Ratko Mladic, but toward UNPROFOR, and at the latest 72 hours after the arrival of Canadians to Srebrenica.

It was agreed, as well, to change prisoners of war and that Serbs allow Moslems to evacuate by helicopters, around 500 of their wounded and sick. /13 This gesture was another proof of tolerance on Serbian side, without any response on Moslems side. On the contrary, the next day after negotiated armistice and proclamation of that area as a protected zone, Moslems killed fraudulently in ambush six Serbian fighters and more of them wounded on two different locations./14 General Ratko Mladic, however, despite of this treacherous act, remain stuck to his earlier order that Moslems from Srebrenica"s area could without restriction evacuate their wounded and sick fighters.

Generals Ratko Mladic and Sefer Halilovic established in document which signed on May 8th 1993. that the border of the territory of the demilitarized zone had remained „in the frame lines of confrontation” and it was, according to a state on the ground, approximately about five and a half long and two and a half kilometers wide./15 Such a territory could be efficiently protected and controlled by the UNPROFOR units, average strength of one combined infantry-mechanical battalion. (The document envisaged a smaller unit „at least one company with headquarters and logistic”.)

In the same document was stipulated: „The delivery of arms (Moslem, of course, the author"s remark) would be observed by the team of three officers of both sides in common with the officer of the UNPROFOR, who would determine a place where the delivery ought to be carried out./16 It was defined, as well, that: „No soldier (refers to both sides, the author"s remark) who is already in or wants to come into DMZ, except the members of the UNPROFOR, dare to have arms, explosive or ammunition./17

But, not respecting the attained agreement from the May 8th 1993. Moslems have never agreed to form a commission which would supervise the disarmament, nor forbidden the carrying of firearms, even the usage of weapons in the demilitarized zone. The UNPROFOR became deaf, too. Moslems refused to obey inside the established borders. They held under their control and even widened the territory which stretched about 150 square kilometers and which beside Srebrenica encircled partially or on the whole villages Babuljice, Bajramovici, Bostahovine, Brakovci, Bucinovici, Bucje, Donji and Gornji Potocari, Dimnici, Dobrak, Fojhar, Gladovici, Karacici, Krusev Do, Kuituzero, Likari, Lipovac, Luka, Ljeskovnik, Medje, Miholjevine, Milacevici, Mocevici, Opetci, Osatica, Osmace, Pale, Palez, Pecista, Podgaj, Postolje, Poznanovici, Psohici, Radjenovici, Skenderovici, Slatina, Suceska, Staroglavice, Sulice, Subin, Tokoljak, Zedansko.

Besides cited purely or mostly Moslems villages, they held under their authority or better to say under occupation more Serbian or mostly Serbian villages and hamlets: Cicevci, Gostilj, Mala Daljegosta, Medje, Mocevici, Osredak, Obadi, Postolje, Podravanje, Pribidoli, Pusmulici, Radosevici, Ratkovici, Viogor, Radovcici, Sase. To that zone were attached more villages of Bratunac municipality: Pirici, Jaglici, Bljeceva, Zagoni, Zapolje… In Serbian villages there weren"t almost settled Moslems, but they were under the control of their armed formations and it was not possible for Serbs to come back. In other words, Moslems behaved themselves as they wish and it was suitable for them. The whole time they tried to be protected, but not disarmed at all.

For control and protection of such a large territory it was not enough a unit size of battalion, but a considerable numerical armed formations which the UNPROFOR was not able or didn"t want to secure. After all, it was absurd that somebody protects so strong and numerous Moslem armed formations. Probably was the same the estimate of the UNPROFOR`s command. It was known that in occupied Serbian villages everything was destroyed, but it wasn"t known why Serbs weren"t permitted the possibility to return. That what Moslems occupied and held Serbian villages didn"t provoke reaction of the UNPROFOR command nether the High commissioner UN for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The occupation and holding of Serbian settlements in the protected area was unexplainable to civilian and military authorities of Republic Srpska and outside the all stipulated norms. It got an impression that zone was protected from the Serb"s return to their villages and homes.


Contrary to international institution and UN, for which was assumed that were neutral, it was known that states member of NATO alliance, presenting in public as international community, at all times supported secessionist movement. Surprise was also the knowledge that UN was not neutral and that they support Muslim side. To that discovery journey was long, almost ten years, and in constant doubt is it possible that this could be the truth. Without entering the motives and inducement for this behavior, we will stay put only on few of actual cases bounded to Srebrenica happenings.


The UNPROFOR commander and Swedish general Valgren announced in Zagreb on April 21st 1993, only five days after Srebrenica had been proclamed as a protected zone of the UN, that demilitarization has been finished. „Based on report I had got from my officers from Srebrenica, I can confirm that, at noon today, city was demilitarized.”/18 He honestly dissociated himself professionally and officially. Even if it was noted that the demilitarization was completed at the noon. If it were not truth, blame would bury officers who didn"t inform him.

In fact, stimulated by the USA and few western states, politics of the UN that consistently performed under Secretary of that time Kofi Annan was not to disarm Moslems. Kofi Annan, carrying out such politic, after only two days (April 23rd ) sent a confidential message to general Valgren about approaching visit of the Security Council delegation, leaded by Venezuela"s ambassador. In that message he quoted: „Having in mind your public statements that Srebrenica was totally demilitarized, I don"t see any need that UNPROFOR should take part in search of arms from door to door. The delegation of the Security council, coming to visit you, would certainly inform you about strong feeling between several state members that UNPROFOR dare not to take too much active part in disarmament of victims.”/19

That was a way to evade, on intervention of Kofi Annan, the Resolution of the Security Council and to prevent the Moslem armed formations and terrorist gangs. The same practice was afterwards applied in Gorazde, Bihac… Few years later, it could be seen the real meaning of American and Annan`s intervention to benefit of Moslems. They became an infantry of the NATO alliance.

This was only the beginning of a biased behavior concerning the case of Srebrenica. In the UN Secretariat was hidden an important Yugoslavian document about Serbs passion in Srebrenica./20 This same document hided and suppressed by Kofi Annan in his report about Srebrenica"s events which he submitted to the General Assembly on the November 15th 1999. In that report, he cited the book by Naser Oric/21 about the sufferings of Moslems, /22 but he keeps secret about formerly published and delivered book by M. Ivanisevic about the sufferings of Serbs in Srebrenica. /23 At beginning, in the second paragraph, he noted incredible lie of a prosecutor of the Hag"s tribunal: „Evidences that prosecutor submitted, describe scenes of inconceivable savageries: thousands of men were executed and buried into the massive graves, hundreds of men were buried alive, men and women were crippled and slaughtered, children were killed at their mothers sight, the grandfather was forced to eat his grandson"s liver. These were the true scenes of hell, written on the darkest pages of human history”. /24

The Hag"s prosecutor"s office for many years searched in vain for witnesses of those Annan`s „crimes”. Nobody saw anything. Not even Srebrenica"s Moslems themselves. That shows that report was an unscrupulous deceit of public opinion and the general Assembly of the UN. Never has been founded grandfather who was forced to eat liver of his grandson, nor mothers at who"s presence were killed their children, there were not any crippled and slaughtered men and women, and that all of it was fabricated, as well as the burying alive men.

What about Serbs wrote in the cited report, Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the UN, became darkest propaganda pointed against one nation.

Happenings in the UN, during war in B&H, immediately witnessed history professor and, for while, a vice-president of Illinois University in Chicago dr Nikola Moravcevic. He presented his knowledge in his interview due to daily's „Vecernje novosti” titled „We are making same mistakes”. So he said as follows: „I was lucky. While I was performing a duty of vice-president on University, I got a chance to meet Butros Butros Gali who allowed me access to the archives. Even thou it is exaggerated to say that I found shocking evidences, I have to say that I got documentation which shows that, in Secretariat of the Security council, there was a team who added Serbian crimes to the reports from Bosnia and lessen, or quietly hided crimes that were committed by the other side. I was surprised to see that incoming information came in mostly clean way, but services in the Security Council used them to „prove” monstrousness of Serbs. I founded and wrote them in the book. It went so far, for example report, written by first commander of UN forces in Bosnia Satish Nambiar, about crimes of Bosnian Moslems was removed from the agenda of the session.”

This regards regular report where, after a year of command over UNPROFOR units, Nambiar submitted to the Security Council, in what, addition to everything else, he speaks out about crimes by Bosnian Moslems and Croats against Serbian people. Nikola Moravcevic also testifies: „Madeleine Albright claimed from Butros Gali to withdrew Nambiar`s evidences. Same fate had part of Report from Racak, even thou it became a reason to bomb Serbia”.

The used „cuisine” during B&H War was quite simple: reports about Serbian sufferings ended up in archives and public, threw UN, never found out anything about their contents. On the contrary, reports about Moslem"s sufferings, rapes, persecutions or murders, usually were secretly and falsely supplemented with the forged numbers of sufferers, and send to agenda of the Security Council of UN.

Consequences were always the same: bringing out resolutions with new and stronger measures against Serbs, on both sides of river Drina. Soon afterwards, bombers and crossing missiles throw themselves on Serbian settlements.
About life in Srebrenica during the war, from May 1992. moreover, especially from April 17th 1993 to middle of July 1995, (while town was under of care of UN) there were many testimonies mostly given by locals, but also foreigners who came and lived in this place. In this occasion we will mostly use reviewer by locals from Srebrenica. In addition, nether one said anything nice about conditions of life and regime that ruled in this town.
So, by testimony of some local, disagreement, fights, conflicts and intolerance developed because of machination in food distribution and other, every day needed saplays, especial goods from humanity help which came with convoy and airplanes. Common people rebelled mostly because of help taken by those who already had enough and who brought most from conquered Serbian villages.
Thru the war, these problems occupied locals attention, more than actual war. It shouldn"t have to be that way. In spring 1993. Srebrenica left around 12.000 people. It largely decreased need for food. But, beside that, there were hungry people, without fuel in houses, clothes and shoes. At the same time on market benches and streets there was all kind of stuff, especial those who came threw humanity help. Those discomfort constant displeasure of locals, social disorder, rapes, robberies, stilling, prostitution … In many houses, only money income, was brought by girls who socialized with solders of UNPROFOR.
One, from two major rebels, finished with physical violence. In center of town was demolished, robbed and burned ex mall, in which was placed humanitarian help. At the same day started energetic police investigation, those interrogate dozens of people, who happened to be in center at that time. Muslims later tried to represent this object as a victim of Serbian grenadine, but that trickery didn"t work. For years this burned building was embarrassment for the city.
This situation bought up many escapes and desertions from county to other neighbors under Muslim authority, mostly to Tuzla, but neither to Yugoslavia nor Serbia. / 28 At beginning of April 1994. in Bratunac, also escape two Muslim girls in late pregnancy. They were both 15years old and they were victims of rapes by Naser soldiers. Both, S.S. and V.D. to the authorities of Internal affairs of Bratunac April 4th 1994. gave official statements. After freeing Srebrenica, in abandoned house soldiers found tinged girl from Italia. Italian ambassade in Belgrade was informed about this. Shortly after visit of their military attaché, girl was placed in psychiatric hospital in Sokolac. Question how did she found her self in Srebrenica and what happened to her, still is without answer.
About situation in enclaves, especially in the city, like during the rebellions, there were given many testimonies that are now saved in competently departments in RS. It would be enough to call on public statement of Ibro Mustafic, former president of county Parliament and founder of SDA Srebrenica, given to „Junge vlet”, corresponded by Belgrade"s ”Dnevni telegraf” ( trans. Daily telegraph),/ 29 who states that „in this place ruled real mafia”. He, also claims:” Neither one dollar of great help that was conveyed to Srebrenica didn"t reach civilian population”:/ 30.
By other interpretation of events, a conflict was made by struggle for prestige between military and civil authority and individuals, who participated in that domain. In those conflicts there were more used weapons, then in other cases. That confirms already mentioned statement of Ibra Mustafic. He also said that he didn"t have any rights, even thou he was a president of county, and that mafia, at that time, twice tried to kill him. In one of those attacks he was badly wounded. Mafia also killed his very close friend, Head chief of Srebrenica police. /31 That assassination was not unusual scenario, confirms the case of Nurif Rizvanovic. /32
No doubt that most prominent person in Muslim armed formation Srebrenica, Bratunac, Konjevic Polje, Cerska … Men with highest military education, unmake major of former JNA, was also latent danger for position for Naser Oric. But in differing from Naser Oric, he never was in mercy by Alia Izetbegovic. Killed by stake out in his birthplace Glogovo, on February 1993. after only a month from successful conjunctive action toward neighbor Serbian villages Kravica, Jezestica, Siljkovice, that happened on January 7th (Orthodox Christmas). / 33 Success of that action was one of the reasons for conflicts with Naser Oric. After Nurif Rizvanovic murder there were rumors that he was associated with KOS and that he was a Serbian spy. Muslims accepted that as truth.

It must be deduced what caused and brought Srebrenica military operation in june 1995, known and planed in Drina"s corpus VRS (trans. military of Republic Srpska) as operation „Krivaja 95”. Goal of that enterprise was proscription of Muslim army, but not in any case – civilians, especially those from Srebrenica. That confirms today"s statements and testimonies of protagonists.
Truth also confirms all available documents, especially orders for commands participating in this action of engaged squad, then Drina"s corpus and Main Head quarters of VRS. Nowhere was mentioned order to take over Srebrenica. That is also conclusion that was given by Dutch King Institute for War documentation (RIOD). Same opinion shared Jan Rene Ruez, main investigator of Hague"s Tribunal for Srebrenica. In one interview for Sarajevo"s weekly papers „Dani” ( trans. „Days”) on journalist question: „Do you have elements which could confirm previously plans about these massacres?”, he answered: „ No, there were none previous plans. Taking over district wasn't planned. Plan about this offence comes from July 5th. First plan was to decrees county only to city of Srebrenica and to turn it in a big refugee camp under the open sky, so that UN could start with evacuation zone”. Journalist insisted: „That statement is based on documents that you own?” Ruez answered: „Yes, completely”./ 34
Similar statement was given by French attorney Jack Verjes, who quoted words by general F. Moriona: „I"m perused that population of Srebrenica was victim of higher interest, but higher interest was in Sarajevo and New York, and certainly not in Paris”./ 35 Serbian goal for operation „Krivaja 95” was only to resize territory on size that was determined on April 1993. when Srebrenica was voted as a free zone. Reasons for action on Serbian behalf in order to restrict territory that Muslims owned was convincing enough and not controversial.
Main reason was often Muslims attacks on surrounding of Serbian places and stake-out besides lines of Serbian defense, that created constant human loss. To defend their suit and population from Muslim attacks, on territory they took over, VRS for years had to engage significant military potentials. Without any purpose, on several places around that zone had been putted down signs: „Demilitarized zone, every military operation is strictly forbidden, clause 60. protocol 1. Geneva convention”. That meant nothing for Muslims. On lines of defense that surrounded Serbian villages had to be military juncture of Bratunac and Milice brigade, beside them enhanced battalion Seklan and battalion Zvornik brigade. Same job also was done by the police.
Military and civilian authority of RS tolerates such state and with wrestle composure villagers, in constant hope that Muslims will finally be disarmed. It lasted over two years. In Bratunac in several occasions almost came to rebellion of civil population and village refugees, who logically and un justified, founded them selves under a Muslim control. At all that time Military of Republic Srpska didn"t have none of significant international legal or political reason to hesitate from armed actions against 28 army division of B&H. Those formations in Srebrenica were, without consurn about mentioned Geneva convention, from first days of creating protected zone, were legitimate goal for Serbian armed action. Same Serbian wrights – because Muslims didn"t withdraw in protected zone, didn"t unharness and stopped attacking surroundings of Serbian villages – were effective and when action was finished on July 1995. But, squads of Drina"s corpus which went to accomplished plan „Krivaja 95”, unsettled all structures of UN, especially those in B&H.

Commander of this operation, managed by small number of soldiers, was surprised that Muslims gave up from defense, not only village area of protected zone, but also Srebrenica itself. Muslim forces, by given order and plan of Higher command, withdraw to Tuzla. None of variations of the plan „Krivaja 95” didn"t forecast that Muslims will leave Srebrenica, just like it wasn"t forecast that Serbian units should come in to the town. So, Serbs did what would in that situation do any army, they went in to undefended and leavted Srebrenica. On July 1995, just like in spring 1993. bridges demonstrated only for Muslim"s army destiny.
It was again up to rescuing 28.division of Army of B&H, from completely certain human loss and possible difficult passage if would be allowed to defend protected zone or Srebrenica itself. Those fighters, in two weeks, planed to participate in „Balkan oluja „ (trans. Balkan storm), and battlefield spread thru over hundreds of kilometers, from Trebinje on south thru Sarajevo and Srebrenica, to Bosanska Kostajnica and river Una on north of Republic Srpska. Soon after on parade in Tuzla, on ceremonial platform stod, beside many invited, next to each other commander 28. division brigadier Naser Oric and president of B&H and highest commander of Army of B&H Alia Izetbegovic. This parade proves that Muslim army in Srebrenica came to Tuzla by order and did not run away on „their hand”.
Many indications points out that united Croatian-Muslim command, by plan and by demand of premises foreign factors, planed that at those days finally come to action, which was prepared since fall of 1992. What was suggestion of that conclusion? Above all, it is American surpassingly detailed plan which – at that time, according to claim of very well informed and high rated military annalists George Keni from Karnegi foundation and Michael Dagan, retired executive of Aircraft headquarter of USA – predicted military, possible NATO interventions in final score with „Serbian aggression on Balkans”./ 36 Serbian operation „ Krivaja 95” certainly disturbed that plan and force position. Soon after Srebrenica went offensive and against Republic of Srbska, battlefields on Ozren, Vozuci, Sarajevo, Herzegovina, Bosanskoj Krajina came to life. That was the first part of mentioned American plan „Balkan storm”,. Other plans against Serbia, also made by Americans, came few years later.
While freeing Srebrenica, VRS units went thru 42 Muslim and mostly Muslim villages, 16 from s Serbian villages mostly occupied by Muslim of Srebrenica county and five mostly Muslim villages of Bratunica county. They moved all houses, staff buildings, hidden places. After they went thru there were none of Muslim victims left behind. Mindless was assumption that wounded, old or ill men, women or child, could escape from soldiers, especially if solder wanted to kill someone. On contrary Serbian villagers perished by firearms and Muslims cold weapons, knifes, akses and rammer, hundreds of them were left in individual and collective thumbs after Muslim army went thru.
Opposite to this Muslim practice, Serbian army successively guaranteed evacuation of Muslim civilians. Serbs provide food, water, medical protection and ride. Children, mothers, sisters and wives of their opponents were helped to, live and well, go where their nearest were – enemy fighters in 28. division. That was demanded order of president RS Radovan Karadzic. / 37 It is not often in war that army cross thru so many enemy places and don"t leave any civilian victims.
Very quickly but not accidentally, around the world, forgotten or neglected statement from July 27th 1995. given by higher Commissioner UN for human wrights Henri Viland, who with a team of experts five days interviewed 20.000 refugees on Tuzla"s airport, for London"s Daily Telegraph said: „ We didn"t find any one who with his own eyes saw any crimes”./38 This doesn"t advert „objective” or „ independent” interpreters of Srebrenica events on July 1995. It seams that mentioned RIOD also kept quiet about this statement. According to available information, final number of people who left Srebrenica is 35.632 who at first week of august registered by Worlds health organization and Bosnian government./ 39
As we could see, there was someone who took care of Muslim army and tried to save it from defeated. Serbs left only to take care of Muslim civilians and to keep them alive. To Serbs that was ordered also by president of Republic Srpska dr Radovan Karadzic in clause 3 nad 4 of „ Decision about naming civilian commissioner for county of Serbian Srebrenica „/ 40

It shouldn"t be a wonder why Potocar was selected for such great temple and only cultural place, not only for Muslims from B&H and ex Yugoslavia, but also for whole Europe. This is the birth place of Naser Oric and by its local believes Memorial Center – mezarija was built in his honor. By believes of Muslim, Potochar should become the symbol of genocide over them. And more, they offer that Potocari become for Muslims, what Aushvic was for Jews or Jasenovac for Serbs. Extreme Muslims believe that proscription of Muslims in B&H lasts since Turks were proscribed from this area. They are assured that it is injustice that they don"t have their state, while Serbs have Serbia, and Croats have Croatia. Serbs believe that Christians, Serbs and Croats, are real aboriginals of B&H, who died defending Christianity from Islam and Muslims.
In order to arouse mentioned mezarija and monument of Srebrenica – „Potocari”, high spokesmen Wolfgang Petric, and after him Pedi Ahdoun broth up tree legal documents. Those were decisions that, beside every thing else, high spokesman invocate on authority which was given at time, and by what he is given final authority on interpreting Pact about civil implementation of Peace agreement./ 41
It would be, obviously, more logic that Memorial Center was selected by location of some scaffold: Kozluk, Branjevo, Pilica, Petkovic …
Or place of other bigger and primary mass graves: Glogova, Kozluk, Branjevo, Orahovac, Cerska... Locations Kozluk and Branjevo are especially emulate, by some testimony, where were preformed executions and were found and digged primary mass graves.


Due to purpose of Memorial center Potočari, it is necessary that number of buried is as big as it"s possible. Reputation of memorial center, among Muslims, of course, depends on that number. It is not disputable that Muslim soldiers had important looses. In this case, problematic fact is how many of them perished during the break through of Serbian defense lines, how many died in the inner conflicts, and how many were executed. It"s problematic how many of them perished during the july of 1995, and how many at earlier years and fights. The fact that Tribunal never start the investigation against persons who were executers of shooting is the most problematic. Who engaged that soldiers, under what conditions, and who provide them protection, even not in USA. One who did, has influence over the Tribunal. Their arrestment and testimony in face of Tribunal would discover the orderer of whole enterprise. The fact that the orderer is not from Republic Srpska is apparent.
There are some indications that engaged soldiers were misguided, and didn"t have a trust in judicature which would determine a punishment for captured Muslim soldiers. But, it"s impossible to believe in thesis that they started by themselves. In that case, only them would be guilty and responsible, and the Tribunal wouldn"t have a reason not to implead the accusations.
But also, any measures weren"t proceeded against Dražen Erdemović, until he was taken to the Tribunal. He is the best proof that all of them had protection. Yugoslav authorities intended to run a trial against him, when they have acquainted with his crime, but, in the fear of trial and certain punishment, he found a sanctuary in Tribunal. Not accidentally. Diplomats of western (NATO) states also requested consideration of his human rights and free expressed will. He not only found a protection from punishment at the Tribunal, but he also became a main sustainer and testifier in all cases where Srebrenica was mentioned. During more than 10 years Serbian side can"t solve the mystery who is hiding beside the initiators and executers of shootings.
It seems that there was a long search fog some big Serbian crime which could alarm international publicity and run NATO. Americans tried with Srebrenica in April 1993, but the attempt failed. According to the statement of Alija Izetbegović, one of participant in talks, he couldn"t accept Clinton"s proposal to let Serbs at Srebrenica and sacrifice 5 000 locals. Then, it was tried several times with Sarajevo, but also without desirable results. Cerska, Goražde, Žepa or Bihać were even worse choices. But, idea of big Serbian crime against Muslims in B&H had to be materialized. At the and, a chance appeared again, and Srebrenica finally was a choice. Place was found, those responsible for the crime were marked earlier, a number of victims was thereby acknowledged, only evidences missed.


According to plans and expectations of those who had to find it, that proof had to be the event in Potočari camp, where Muslim civilians were taken earlier, and whom nobody couldn"t protect and defend during the arrival of Serbs. It was reasonably supposed that the Serbs should commit killings and slaughters on 12 July, after a commemoration on Bratunac graveyard. Motive was well –known. On that day, Muslims attacked and destroyed by fire several Serbian villages and killed 68 locals. Mothers, sisters and children of Muslim villains were in Potočari. But, people returned to theirs houses after commemoration. When perfidious plan with noted Muslim civilians failed, probably with big surprise of organizers, it had to be approached to some new, enforced, solution. Next two days, a dozen soldiers from 10th commando squad were gathered, and they did what today is qualified as genocide. Shooting of captured Muslims is not a subject of this discussion. Number of shooted is problematic, but is not disputable that only soldiers was shooted, and not civilians.

How many Muslim soldiers was executed, and how many of them were killed during the breakthrough to Tuzla and in some inner conflicts? Jean Rene Roués , a long-term main investigator of Hague Tribunal for Srebrenica trial, says „ From the first day, the war with numbers is lead.”
It"s not possible until today, to answer a question how many Muslim prisoners was shooted. That"s why we"ll bring only what shouldn"t be disputable. Those are the facts which are not from the Serbian sources, but from institutions of states which were at war against Serbs, and when it"s about mezarje, from Muslim sources. Serbs not only didn"t have a possibility for any influence on any of those facts, but there was no possibility for inspection of documents which was source for the data.
First numbers of possible victims can be found in a lists of missing persons of International Red Cross committee, which were published several times until 1995, always with a different numbers of missed. The number finally stabilized at 7 000 – 8 000 persons. But, those lists were denied in several occasions. Persons who voted at next year elections were found there. (we found 3.016 persons from the list of missing at voting poll for Srebrenica for 1996. elections), alive persons, and also persons of other nationalities. That"s why those lists can"t be of same importance today as they were before. Anyway, majority of those who want to put more blame on Serbian side appeal on that list, and declare it as list of massacred Muslim civilians, without any proof. Only 36 female persons from 8 000 missing was found by reviewing one of those lists. Those lists are not lists of dead, and they even less are lists of massacred civilians.


Incomparably reliable informations are located at documentation about exhumed bodies from several mass graves. Primary mass graves , investigated by Dean Manning for the needs of Tribunal, are of the highest importance. According to him, those are: Cerska (150 bodies), Nova Kasaba ( there are 4 graves in 1996. with 33 bodies), Orahovac: lažeta 1 (130 bodies) and lažeta 2 (243 bodies) , Branjevo (132 bodies) , Nova kasaba ( 57 bodies from 1999.), Glogova 1 (191 bodies), Glogova 2 (139 bodies) , Kozluk (340 bodies) , Konjević Polje 1 (9 bodies) i Konjević Polje 2 ( 3 bodies) , Brana near Petkovci (234 bodies) , Liplje 2 (158 bodies) . According to this facts, remains of 1824 bodies were found in noted graves. Expertise of Dean Manning has discovered 1 883 bodies. Between the exhumed bodies, 1 656 male bodies were discovered, and only one female. For others gender is not defined. Same expertise defined that mass killings were committed at Cerska, Kravica, Orahovac, Brana near Petkovci, Branjevo military economy, Pilica and Kozluk.

At Tribunal accusations, those numbers are much different and much bigger. According to Tribunal prosecutors, between 4.900 and 6.700 Muslims were killed at same locations ( reputedly, 1.000-1.500 persons were killed at Kravica, 1.200-1.500 at Branjevo, 1.000 at Orahovac and Lažeta 1 and 2, 1.000 at Brana etc). According to statements of muslims, their testifiers, who alleged that they have seen and survived the executions, number of victims rise. According to them, there were 2.500 killed persons more in comparation to highest number of killed at Tribunal count. That means about 9.200 killed, which even the Prosecution of Tribunal couldn"t accept.
Three cases shows how those disproportions look like. Shooting at the Branjevo military economy was at Sunday, at July the 16th, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Outlast Muslim whitness calculated that number of victims was 1.000-1.5000. Prosecution accepts calculation of Dražen Erdemović, who participated at execution, and notes 1.2000 victims, but at primary grave only 132 remains were found. It is supposed that part of victims lays at secondary grave Čančarski put 12 ( there are 12 graves with 174 bodies). But, big difference shows again, despite of it. Orahovac grave, where 2 000 – 2 500 persons were killed, according to claims of several testifiers muslims is the next case. Prosecutor defined 1.000 executed, but in primary grave (both Lažetas), 373 bodies were exhumated. Third case is Brana near Petkovac, where muslims counts 1.500-2.000, Prosecution 1.000, but only 234 bodies were exhumed.
However, the bodies of soldiers who died during the breakthrough of Serbian territory and in inner conflicts, lays at all noted graves, including those three. The corpses were assembled from radius of several kilometers, and buried in standard, (also can be said military) mass graves, during the readjustment of terrain, especially during the summer heats when decomposition is fast. At the end, it"s hard to estimate how many of them died in battle, and how many was executed. Prisoners from Cooperative house magazine at Kravica should be excepted. There was a rebellion of muslim prisoners, which nobody mention, during which Serbian policeman Krsto (Bogoljub) Dragićević from Skelani , born 1965, was killed, and Rade Čuturović (nickname Officer, now dead) was wounded. About 30 guardians defended themselves with all weapons, even bombs. Prosecution conceals the rebellion and notes number of 1.000-1.500 executed. Bodies of 330 persons who took a part in rebellion were found at two primary graves in near village Borova. However, overall number of executed muslim prisoners can"t be less than 407 persons. Same number of hand bandages was found, and 270 eye bandages (one person can have both). But, the question where are about hundred Serb prisoners, which earlier were captured in
Srebrenica, had to be made. It"s fact that they weren"t escorted with free hands by Muslim soldiers. Maybe they were killed earlier and they weren"t at the muslim columns. It"s unknown how remains of persons of Serb nationality were found there. In primary mass grave Orahovac (lažeta 2) remains of Gojko Todorović, Biljana Matić i Vojislav Milošević were found. In secondary mass grave Čančarski put 3 (connection-Kozluk primary mass grave) body of Stanko Danilović was found.
Very small number of bodies was discovered during the exhumation.(Cerska – 9 of 159, Branjevo – 13 of 132, Orahovac – 21 of 373, etc.). It is not more than 5% of general number of exhumed.
One can come to know about identified remains at lists of persons who"s bodies was buried at memorial center-mezarje Potočari.
First inhumations started there at march 31st 2003. Until then, 2442. bodies was inhumated. It"s 559 bodies more than it" was exhumed from the mass graves. It is possible to suppose that there was several single and inhumations, small groups in the meantime, and that the declared number is bigger. Generally, there was 6 group inhumations with the proper religious ritual. There were remains of 600 identified persons in the first group, inhumated at march 31st. In the second group, buried at July 11th 2003, there was 282 persons. In the third group, buried at September the 20th, 107 persons was buried. In the fourth group, buried at July 11 th 2004, there were 338 persons. In the fifth group, buried at July 11th 2005, there were 61o persons. In the sixth group, buried at July 11th 2006. there were 505 persons.


The thesis about innocent civilian victims of Serbian genocide over the muslims, is suggested to public since creation of mezarje. The thesis was shooted out in the same way by muslims and those foreign and domicile factors who have some interest. Not only during the war, but years after, and even now, many NGOs from Sarajevo and Belgrade, state institutions an media from Federation of BH, muslim religious institutions and persons constantly manipulate with great muslim sufferings. A message which was said by Islam dignitary dr Mustafa Cerić, and which is carved at the big stone block provokes a confusion to everyone. Beside nice and holy words, there is a enigmatic convent or request:

Let revenge be justice

‘"In the name of merciful God,
We pray to you God,
Let sadness become
Let revenge be
Let mother"s tear
Be a prayer:
Don"t let Srebrenica be repeated
To anyone and ever!

That is the message at central place of Memorial center, and locals still ask themselves, is it a call for revenge?
Deads shouldn"t be disturbed. They should be left to rest in peace, no matter of reasons for they are not with us. But it seems that it can"t be done. We accept that, although hardly, but it don"t mean that we easily put up with something what is hardly to reconcile. The problem of Srebrenica and it"s muslim victims is more than 10 years old, and today is like it"s just appeared. Serbs are blamed for their destiny. A problem of Serbian victims and their long suffering in this area was never opened. Nobody is responsible for them.
Who are the persons which remains lays at Memorial center-mezarje Potočari? In this case, it"s also about males and only two females. All inhumations were done ceremonially and in presence of highest state officials, Islam religious leaders, diplomats and foreign statesmen. Serbian president Boris Tadić was present during the inhumation in July 11th 2005, when the 10th anniversary of events in Srebrenica was distinguished. All those events was turned into media spectacles, with numerous propaganda messages and accusations for genocide committed by Serbs. In the name of truth, we are obvious to say something of what we know about persons buried in mezarje. We"ll try to show some most vivid and controversial cases.


There are multitude of individuals registered as voters at Srebrenica municipality for the 1996 elections in the lists of buried victims from July 1995. We have their names, but this time we"ll give only numeric overview. There were 271 names in the list of names noted in the first inhumation of reputed victims, who were in the voting poll for 1996. 85 names at second inhumation, 31 at third, 140 at fourth, 252 at fifth and 135 at sixth. Those are 914 persons, or some above 37% of general number of buried. It is reasonably to suppose that those are persons died by natural causes, in period from July 1995 to July 2006, when the last inhumation was done, not the victims perished during the Serbian return. The fact that OEBS as an organizer had more than a year to eliminate them from the voting poll upholds a thesis of victims. There is some indications that same was done in Bratunac, Vlasenica and Zvornik.
2. Second controversial case is related to persons about whose death by natural causes a judicial rescripts exist. Unfortunately, we are not able to make insight at majority of death registers in Srebrenica, Bratunac, and other municipalities where soldiers of Eight operative group of BH Army were recruited. In that case, this list would be multiplied. However, even without it, it"s undisputable fact that that was an attempt for multiplication of muslim victims „died” at the „massacre” during the Serbian return in July 1995, and buried at Memorial center and mezarje Potočari. There are some names, from the list of about 1oo: Fetahija (Nazif) Hasanović, born 1955 – died in December the 15th 1996 in Srebrenica. Šukrija (Amil) Smajlović, 1946, died at May the 2nd 1995 in Zalužje Maho (Suljo) Rizvanović, 1953, died at January 3rd 1993 in Glogova . Mefail (Meho) Demirović, 1970, died at May the 10th in Krasanovići .Redžić (Ahmet) Asim 1949, died at April 22 1992 in Bratunac.
3. Due to creation of false picture of big number of innocent muslim victims, remains of soldiers and other civilians were transported from various locations and again ritually buried at Potočari. Several hundreds of individuals are included in this kind of public betrayal.
Here are dozen particular examples. In the first inhumation at march the 31st 2003, body of Hamed(Hamid) Halilović (1940-1982) was moved from local Srebrenica mezarje Kazani and buried again in Potočari. As it can be seen, it"s a person who has died 20 years before the war. During the fourth inhumation, bodies of one soldier died in war and one civilian, who died before the war, was also moved from Kazani to Potočari. They are Osman (Ibro) Halilović (1912-1989) and Nurija (Smajo) Memišević (1966-1993). During the fifth inhumation at July 11th, four persons were buried again: Salih (Šaban) Alić (1969-1992), Mujo (Hašim) Hadžić (1954-1993), Ferid (Ramo) Mustafić (1975-1993), Hajrudin (Ismet) Cvrk (1974-1992)
4. It isn"t known for one group of BH Army soldiers, buried in Potočari, when and where they died, and where they were buried before, but it is certain that they are not victims of „Srebrenica massacre” from July 1995. They died before November 1993, when the decree of social care and housing of their families was written.
The group included soldiers of BH Army: Čerimović (Mustafa) Mujo – 12.04. 1938, Sejbočina-Vlasenica; Hasanović (Mujo) Hamed – 9.07. 1966 ; Malić (Ibrahim) Ramiz – 1970, Here-Vlasenica; Omerović (Nurko) Nurija – 1953. Urković-Bratunac; Hasim (Ćamil) Selimović 1959; Ramiz (Suljo) Alić 1942, Jusuf (Safet ) Osmanović 1947; Ramiz (Hakija) Alić 1979, Munib (Mujo) Alić 1962; Jusuf (Juso) Omerović 1962; Meho (Mehmed) Osmanović 1942, Sead (Osman) Salkić 1960; Safet (Šaban) Korkutović 1960; Omerović (Habib) Aziz 1.5. 1965 Sikirić-Bratunac.
5. The names of several hundreds soldiers died before march the 7th 1994. were noted at the document for the Chronicle of BH Army, that we"ve mentioned before. In this case also, it"s not about victims of some execution or soldiers died at battle for Srebrenica in July 1995. Here are for ilustration several dozens of names, some from the brigades of 8 operative group, and then from 28. division of BH Army. They are: Mujuć (Rizvan) Ibro – 1952, Sućeska, Srebrenica; Mehmed (Meho) Hodžić – 1960; Hafizović (Ibrahim) Hajrulah – 1973, Opetci, Srebrenica; Ismet (Šahmin) Huseinović, 1947; Mujo (Avdo) Ahmetović - 1970, Potočari, Mehmed (Meho)Hodžić – 1960, Potočari; Šaćir (Omer) Malić – 1945, Potočari; Mehmed (Meho) Hodžić – 1960; Hafizović (Ibrahim) Hajrulah – 1973, Opetci, Srebrenica, Ismet (Šahmin) Huseinović, 1947; Mujo (Avdo) Ahmetović – 1970, Potočari; Mehmed (Meho) Hodžić – 1960, Potočari, Šaćir (Omer) Malić – 1945 Potočari, Amir (Omer) Omerović – 1974; Kadrija (Esed) Osmanović - 1956 , Potočari; Jusuf (Juso) Jusić – 1941, Potočari (those are members of the 280th Eastbosnian light brigade). Mehmed (Omer) Avdić – 1966; Adil (Redžo) Hasanović, Meho (Mehmed) Ahmetović, Adil (Šećan) Hasanović, Husein (Ibro) Mehmetović, Omer (Šahin) Ahmetović-Bibo – 1946; Mujo (Avdo) Klempić – 1959, Srebrenica, Abid (Mehmed) Zuhrić – 1961; Meho )Ahmo) Duraković – 1967; Safet (Himzo) Hodžić; Mandžić (Daut) Jusuf – 1938, Skelani, Srebrenica.(Members of the 281st Eastbosnian light brigade). Nedžad (Munib) Osmanović, Ramo (Omer) Avdić, Enver (Hamed) Ibrahimović, Izet (Idriz) Salkić, Dževad (K) Suljić, Hasan (Mujo) Beganović, Redžo (Avdo) Suljić, Omer (Osman) Smajlović, unit July the 5th, Tokoljak, milicioner Bajro (Hasan) Selimović from Kazani unit; Kadrija (Ibrahim) Avdić, 1965. (members of the 282nd east Bosnian light brigade.) Avdić (Husein) Mehmed - 1943, Paljevine-Srebrenica, Avdić (Šemso) Mehmed, 1954, Pirići-Bratunac, Begić (Šaćir) Mirsad, 1955, Luka-Srebrenica, Salihović (Hasan) Hasib- 1945, Sućeska-Srebrenica, Suljo (Sinan) Omerović, 1922. Srebrenica; Mehmedalija (Sulejman) Hasanović, 1955. Srebrenica (members of 283rd east Bosnian light brigade), Munib (Mujo) Mustafić, 1960, missed 13.3.1993; Salko (Muhamed) Hodžić, 1959. (soldier of 284th east Bosnian light brigade.)


6. These are the names of Muslim military officials and soldiers for which exact data about place and manner of death don"t exist. It is possible that they are victims of execution, but it"s also possible that they died during the breakthrough of Serbian defence lines. It shouldn"t be disputable that they were members of the BH Army, and died at July 1995. But, almost all of them, or majority, took a part before death in many actions against local Serbs. They carry a responsibility for crimes committed over civilians, destruction of villages, exodus and pillages. The list includes names of members of different headquarters and meritorious soldiers, who were recommended for rewards and medals. Their names are at the accusations given to relevant judicial institutions for the crimes committed at Srebrenica and surround areas. Some of them are: members of the Headquarters of the 8 operative group BH Army: Sadie (Ramo) Sulejmanović, village Luka, Srebrenica municipality, Bego (Jusuf) Tihić, born 1960 in Srebrenica, Ševket (Seid) Đozić, 1951, Srebrenica, Nedžib (Abid) Habibović, Srebrenica, Osman (Šerif) Osmanović, Hamed (Hamid) Alić, Amir (Maho) Rizvanović, Senahid (Abdulah) Tabaković, Zulfo (Munib) Halilović and Ahmo (Mujo) Tihić, Srebrenica. They had various command responsibilities. Honored soldiers form the same formation are: Hamdija (Ahmet) Hasanović, Nedžib (Abid) Habibović, Hajrudin (Salih) Malagić, Mustafa (Zulfo) Stočević and Mehmed (Suljo) Malić. They participated in armed actions against Serbian villages Gniona, Blječeva, Osredak, Viogor, Bibići, Orahovica and other in the town suburban areas, in may 1992.( 13 Serbian locals were killed). Next month they took actions to villages Oparci (6 victims), Obadi i Špat (9), Ratkovići ( 17), Brežane (19) . In july they attacked Zalažje, Sase and surround(47 Serbian victims), in august Ježestica ( Bratunac municipality, 9 victims), in September Podravanje (32), in October Fakovići ( Bratunac, 17 victims), in November Kamenica (Zvornik municipality, 53 victims), in December Bratunac villages Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikirić (60 victims). In January 1993. villages Ježestica, Kravica i Šiljkovići (46), Skelani (61 victims). 389 Serbs was killed in their actions.


Commander of Sućeska Territorial Defense and security commander assistant of 281. east Bosnian light brigade, Hajrudin (Šefko) Avdić was buried in one grave place in mezarje. He was planning, directly operating and participating at the attacks, pillages and destruction of Serbian villages Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica, Zalazje i Sase at the Srebrenica municipality area. Same he did at villages Jeremići, Manovići and Rupino Brdo in Vlasenica municipality, and in Hranča, Bratunac municipality. Hajrudin Avdić participated in the killings of 74 Serbs during the three months of his commandment.
Relevant members of the 280 East Bosnian light brigade are also buried in mezaria. These are: Nursed (Salko) Salihović, Senad (Jusuf) Jusić, Salčin (Sejfo) Hodžić, Aljo (Ibrahim) Huseinović, Hajrudin (Nazif) Osmanović andHajrudin (Hasan) Suljić. The are responsible for sufferings of Serbian villages Gniona, Jeremići, Manovići, Brežane, Zagoni, Zalazje, Sase and other, at July 12th 1992. (47 Serbian victims), at august the 8th Ježestica, Bratunac municipality (9), at September 24th Podravanje, Srebrenica municipality (32), in October the 5th Fakovići, Bratunac (17), November the 6th 6. Kamenica, Zvornik municipality(53), in December 14th 1992. Bratunac villages Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikirić (60), at January 17th 1993. Kravica, Bratunac municipality (15) and in January the 16th 1993. Skelani, Srebrenica municipality. (61). Their victims are 332 persons of Serbian nationality, and they were rewarded with various acknowledgements for their criminal deeds by their commanders and headquarters.

Avdulah (Avdo) Ahmetović, 1960, Sućeska, was commander assistant, and Hajrudin (Hamid) Avdić, member of 281. east Bosnian light brigade headquarters. First victims of their attacks were villages Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica, Žutica, Rupovo Brdo, Brežane, Hranča i Ježestica, Bratunac municipality, Podravanje, Srebrenica municipality, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikirić, Kravica, Bratunac municipality and Skelani, Srebrenica municipality. From the same unit, as the direct executers of crimes were registered: Adem (Ahmet) Ramić. 1937, Srebrenica, Hajrudin (Omer) Alić, 1968, Srebrenica, Mujo (Muharem) Alić, Zulfo (Munib) Halilović, Hasan (Mujo) Beganović, Mensur (Šefko) Mustafić, Hasan (Enez) Hasanović, Hasan (Hasib) Salihović, 1968, Fikret (Huso) Mehmedović, Bešir (Sinan)Ajšić, 1971, i Hasan (Mehan) Hasanović.
Commanders and officers noted above dislodged Serbian population and took a part in killings of 228 individuals of Serbian nationality.
Ibro (Husein) Dudić, born 1969, from Srebrenica, major and commander of 282. east Bosnian light brigade operated attacks on villages Ratkovići, Krnjići, Zalazje, Sase, Milan"s water mill on road Peć- Skelane, Podravanje, Boljevići, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikirić, Kravica and Skelane area. In those actions 328 Serbs were killed, and their property pillaged and taken to Muslim villages.
Officers Mehmed (Salih) Salihodžić, Avdulah (Mustafa) Bećirović i Safet (Hamed) Ahmić, during the whole war time had main command and operate responsibilities in the headquarters of 283. east Bosnian light brigade. They organized attack on Serbian hamlet Vitez, and then villages Oparci, Loznička Rijeka, Krnjići, Fakovići and Boljevići, Loznica, Bjelovac, Sikirić i Skelani (hamlets Kušići, Ćosići, Žabokvica, Kostolomci, Bujakovina etc.). Sejdalija (Alija) Mehić, Azem (Hirkija) Alić, Liplje, Zvornik; Mirzet (Alija) Rizvanović, Dževad (Kemal) Salihović, Ahmo (M) Hasanović, Hajrudin (I) Cvrk, Bajro (Fadil) Salihović and Hasib (Rifet) Ahmić were also participating in those actions. 189 Serbs were killed during their actions.

Ibran (Ibro) Muratović, born 1949 from Bratunac was buried in mezarje.He participated in attack on village Blječeva at May the 6th 1992. and in murder of 3 individuals of Serbian nationality.
Senad (Hakija) Hasanović, 1968 and Ismet (Omer) Mustafić, 1942, both from Rovaši village were members of special, probably local Muslim armed formations. As a members of local intervention squad, they participated in attack on Serbian village Metaljka, and in stake on Zvornik-Vlasenica road, in village Konjević Polje. During that attack, the truck column in the property of factory „Boksit” Milici was waylaid at May the 27 in 1992.. All trucks were burned, and 5 Serbs killed.
Kadmir (Ibrahim) Alić from Tegari (Bratunac municipality) and Huso (Ramo) Halilović from Srebrenica participated at 30.6.1992. in attack on Serbian village Brežane (Srebrenica municipality) and in killing of 19 individuals of Serbian nationality.
Hamdija (Hamed) Alispahić, 1947. from Jaglić, participated in attack on Serbian village Ježeštica (Bratunac municipality) and killing of 9 Serbs, on Augusta the 18th 1992.
Mirsad (Ćamil) Mehmedović, village Sućeska, Mehmed (Edhem) Hajdarević, village Soloćuša i Sejdin (Sejdalija) Alić, village Međe (Srebrenica municipality) participated in attack on villages Osredak, Viogor, Orahovica and others in Srebrenica municipality area and killings of 8 Serbs, in May the 15th 1992.

Edhem (Salko) Husić, village Zapolje (Bratunac municipality), Hajrudin (Hajro) Halilović, Srebrenica, Ramo (Ahmet) Salihović, Moćevići (Srebrenica municipality) and Hajrudin (Murat) Salihović, 1940. Brezovice (Srebrenica municipality), Huso (Zaim) Salihović, 1964, participated at July the1st in 1992. in attack on Serbian village Oparci (Srebrenica municipality) in killing of six individuals of Serbian nationality.

Šaćir (Nurija) Memišević,1953 Srebrenica participated at 5.7.1992. in attack on villages of Bratunac municipality, attack on village Blječeva on 6.5.1992. and killings of 3 individuals of Serbian nationality, and Serbian part of Zagoni village and killing of 14 Serbian locals.
Alija (Šaban) Memišević from Bratunac participated in 5.7.1992. in attack on Serbian part of Zagoni village and killing of 14 Serbian locals.
Azem (Alija) Begić, 1962. from Luka village (Srebrenica municipality) participated in 12.7.1992. in attack on Serbian village Zalazje (Srebrenica municipality) and killing of 47 locals of Serbian nationality.

Dževad (Ramo) Babajić from Glogova (Bratunac municipality) participated in 25.7.1992.ina attack on Serbian village Hranča and killings of 8 individuals of Serbian nationality.
Nedžad (Munib) Osmanović, 1969. Magašići (Bratunac municipality) participated in 20.7.1992 in attack on Serbian part of Magašići village and killing of 8 individuals of Serbian nationality.

Meho (Mehmed) Suljagić 1948. Kamenica Gornja (Zvornik municipality) operated at attacks on Serbian settlements in KamenicaGornja (Zvornik municipality) in 24.8.1992., when 4 Serbian locals were killed.

Noted war pasts or biographies of commanders and soldiers of the B&H Army are filled with the attacks on Serbian villages and killings of individuals of Serbian nationality. They had no mercy towards Serbian villages and locals. Proofs are countless. That facts derogates constantly emanated thesis that it"s about victims of genocide or Muslim civilian victims. It is certain that some of them were executed after the capture, but much more of them died in battles during the attempt of breakthrough to Tuzla.They also had looses in inner conflicts.

MILIVOJE IVANIŠEVIĆ (1932) is the author of various studies, researches and analysis in area of cultural politics and organisation of cultural activities. As the author or coauthor, between the other, he published

- Cultural life of workers in Serbia (1965)
- Personell in cultural and artistic institutions and organisations in Serbia (1967)
- Position and role of art societies today (1969)
- Material basis of cultural life in Serbia
- Cultural centres (1969)
- Role of culture in undeveloped areas in Serbia (1972)
- Program of cultural developement of Banja Luka
- Concept of long –term cultural development until 2000 (1981)
- Social-economic position of culture in Belgrade (1982)
- Serbia – a guide through culture (1983)
- Cultural situation in Belgrade and Serbia ( project III millennium SANU – 1985)
- Material status of culture in Yugoslavia
- Organization of culture and new cultural needs (1989)
- Problems of culture (1991)
- Etc.

He was long- term chief of UNESCO Messager for Serbo-Croatian language area
From the beginning of conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he is active in organization and collection of data of crimes committed against the Serbs in BH. He is assistant of many seminars about committed crimes against humanity and international law.

Published books:
- Chronicle of our cemetery, Belgrade-Bratunac 1994
- Exodus of Serbs from BH 1992-1995
- Crimes against the Serbs 1992 – 1995

He is coauthor of:
- Chronicle of emerged death of BH, together with Vesna Hadživuković and Darko Tanasković (1993)
- Big delusion, together with Boro Mišeljić – Fond „Truth about Serbs”, 1996

He is editor of separates of Serbian victims and committed crimes, published from 1997 for municipalities Konjic, Kupres , Srebrenica, Bratunac, Goražde, Mostar, Pale and Trnovo, Kozarska Dubica, Derventa, Krupa and Bosanski Novi, Trebinje, Bosanski Šamac, Prijedor, Čelinac and other.


Marija M. Zaric